How Much Is A Retainer For a Divorce Attorney? |
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Typical Retainers In Texas
Nearly every attorney will ask for an advanced fee called a "retainer". The retainer is put into a trust account for the benefit of the client. As the attorney works the case, he will keep track of the number of hours he works on the case. Periodically, such as every month, he will create a bill for the client. He will then withdraw the funds from the trust account to pay the bill. In this way, the lawyer knows he will be paid. When the trust fund reaches a low enough level, the attorney will request from the client another deposit into the trust account.
In Texas, the average divorce retainer may run from $2,000 to $5,000. It should be noted that the amount of work a lawyer does on your case in a given billing cycle (typically a month) is never consistent. For example, in the early stages of a divorce where filings, service and temporary orders hearings are needed, there will be a lot of work done and the retainer may be used up quickly. However during the following months while the case is in the discovery phase, the amount of work will be reduced and therefore your retainer will not be used up so fast. How the Palmer Law Firm Can Help
Every divorce is unique, and the decisions you make today will have long term consequences for you and your family. That is why it is very important for anyone thinking about getting a divorce in Texas to first get all the information they can, and then get advice from a professional on how that information fits into their unique situation. We can help you find a way to make your divorce affordable and access to a lawyer possible for almost any person. We offer low retainers and unique payment plans that most firms do not. We understand these times are difficult, but we can help you move towards a brighter future. As we always say: "We can't protect your HEART but we can protect your RIGHTS." Call us at 832-819-3529 to schedule a free consultation or simply use the form on this page. We look forward to helping you. |
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